Welcome to the crazy world of living with a person who has Borderline Personality Disorder

Chronicles and musings of a captive audience who has been in the rabbit hole many times and survived.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Chronicles Of Living With Difficult People

Have you ever found yourself a captive, more or less, in you own home? Unreasonable children, a spouse who seems dedicated to destroying you, or other people close to you that you just cannot escape from?
I have lived like this for the past 10 years, give or take.
Never in my wildest dreams did I envision this happening, but it is my daily reality. For the most part, I am able to live without too much damage, but this certainly comes with a cost.
It has been many years since I enjoyed coming home from work. I am despised, hated, riduculed, mocked, used, neglected, taken totally for granted, and then expected to do more and give more. Totally unfair.
Am I feeling sorry for myself? No, in fact, I rarely even complain or tell anyone about it. I used to be ashamed of their behavior, and still am, but the humiliation is long past. I try to chin up, stay focused, remain in a loving attitude, discover aspects of my own life that need improving, but the cumulative effect is taking it's toll on my psyche.
So, this blog is my place to tell it exactly like it is. If nobody ever reads this, fine. It is good for me to write it down. Only I am 10 years too late.

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