Welcome to the crazy world of living with a person who has Borderline Personality Disorder

Chronicles and musings of a captive audience who has been in the rabbit hole many times and survived.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Peace and Quiet

I just looked up at the clock: I've been home alone for 2 1/2 hours and it seems like a day. I actually have been able to think, practice for an upcoming fund raiser, and relax.
This incessant stress is very hard on me.
This morning I called home to warn B about the slippery steps and to make sure he was up and running. There was a 2 hour school delay due to icy roads. He mumbled something, then began asking me where the remote and his cassette player were. I had taken them as a consequence for last nights behavior.
I told him that I took them and he began a verbal tongue lashing: "You rotten f*ck ass piece of sh*t! I hope you rot in hell, you are nothing, you have nothing."
For some reason I listened and it did not bother me. I guess I'm used to it.
He then called my workplace and continued his assault.
He also left me 2 nasty messages on my cell phone, which I did not even listen to, I just deleted them. It was obvious what tone they had.
As could be predicted, he called me on my way home and was cordial, asking me for a ride home from the library. Sure, I would pick him up.
When I got there, he was nowhere to be seen. I called his cell, it was off. I went inside, no B there either. I called few more times and sat in my car thinking how trapped I was. If I left, he would call later. I wanted to see him and try and make it better, but, on the other, hand, did not want to go back into town to fetch him.
I tried once more and he answered, telling me he could get a ride home. When I tried to reply, he was gone; no goodbye, no nothing.
At least when I came home there was no pot smoke in the air. He did manage to leave some nasty gangsta rap playing on my computer, complete with bitches, mother-f*ckers and killing. What a weird way to think.

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